Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas

OVERVIEW: This story follows an assassin in the land of Adarlan that is imprisoned in a death camp. The Crown Prince travels to Endovier to find Celaena, the assassin, and bring her to the castle to train and fight to be the King's Champion. Dorian, the Crown Prince, really takes to Celaena and believes in her right from the beginning. Meanwhile, Dorian's friend and a guard named Chaol is very untrusting of Celaena. This book is filled with twists and turns.

MY THOUGHTS: I honestly wish that I would have found this book sooner. It is such a great, fast paced read and I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes a famous YA movie series. I kind of felt like this book was like The Selection, but with killing and magic and unexpected elements. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes corrupted societies and fantasy.

SPOILERS: I thought that Nehemiah was the killer, and Cain was just on drugs. When Maas pulled magic into the book, I was mindblown. During Cain and Celaena's duel, my heart was pounding because I thought she wouldn't drink the wine and when she did I just wanted to throw my book!! I had absolutely no idea how Celaena would survive, and didn't know how the next book could continue if Celaena didn't win. But she did, and I was SO happy!! I just finished this as I'm writing this and still cannot put into words how crazy this book was for me. When Celaena "let go" of Dorian, I was kind of sad; but in a way I want her to be with Chaol, but then I'm torn. I'm excited to see where this love triangle leads in the next book, which I will be getting next time I visit my library!
**I also want to predict that something bad was in Celaena's contract and there's going to be a shitstorm ahead for Celaena, Dorian, and Chaol.

I give this book a 4.5/5 stars

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