OVERVIEW: This story follows George, a transgender fourth grader. It's a very quick read, following George's thoughts and process of him telling everyone he believes he's a girl.
MY THOUGHTS: This book was so heart-warming! It was a quick, but very good read! It's definitely a book that will stay with me forever. This was the first book I read with a transgender narrator, and I'm glad it was the first book I read. It gave me more perspective on transgender people, and helped me understand their thought process more. I feel like this is a really short review, but it's really hard for me to describe what a good and impactful book it is.
SPOILERS: I felt so bad for George throughout the entire book, but she is so brave! My only thing I wished the author would have done was show how the mom and brother adapted to Melissa; were they okay with it? Did they support her through everything? I wanted to know how supportive her mom turned out to be since she was reluctant about the idea at first. But, I did love how accepting Kelly was. It was such a great portrayal of how kids aren't born judgmental.
I give this book a 95%.
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